Thursday, November 13, 2008

Obama Supports Harass Gloria Alfanzo in College Classroom

President-Elect Obama this is not the kind of Hope and Change you are promoting is it? Such a beautiful message such an ugly interpretation.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

So Confused!

So my friend just bought a new home, with cash.

My other friend just got a promotion.

Why I am not understanding this?

Bank of England: We'll slash interest rates to ZERO to rescue the economy

Gas Prices are down, and my friend just got a raise. OH and McDonald´s just posted a profit.

Who is really creating this turmoil?

School me then please!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Operation Leper - Stop the Smears Against Sarah Palin

Please help stop the Palin smears. Join ´s Operation Leper. Click Here

Obama´s First Press Conference

Well Obama made it through his very 1st Press Conference, besides having looked as if he had pre-chosen his "interrogators" from the MSM President Elect Official Press Corp (it goes with the new seal) I assume that in fact he was just looking at the cheat sheet for the seating arrangement, but he accomplished insulting a First Lady,

“Obviously, President Clinton — I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about, you know, doing any seances.’’

Mrs. Reagan´s sister simply stated the facts, “My sister is not a medium; she’s an astrologer.’’

Obama did call and apologize to Mrs. Reagan, but I wonder what he said to Hillary.

I guess the security briefing on Historical Mysticism of the White House is next week.

I see gaffs in the future!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Greta Rocks! And So Does Sarah Palin!

Since the first moment I ever considered going to law school, Greta was my inspiration, my hero...I only wish I had had her coolness. Today she reaffirmed my belief in how brilliant she is, thank you Greta!

It is not fair how the MSM has treated Gov. Palin. It was not fair how the MSM treated Sen. Clinton. Both are to be admired, respected and cherished.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It is too Late, but the truth is out -- Now!

Election Night 2008

I was glued to the tv and my laptop, I could not believe what was happening, could this be real? Wolf Blitzer was saying the words that people all over the world would now be rejoicing in, but the truth came out this morning.

According to The Dallas Morning News,

"The CNN election coverage "hologram" wasn't even a real hologram!"

read it

Again, the majority was drinking the koolaid. LOL

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Philadelphia Freedom?

I hope this is not what Obama meant when he talked about creating a Civilian Squad.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I had to watch it twice because I was laughing so hard I missed some of it. Nice job Senator!